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denver, colorado

I am now a reflection of my highest self


about malaS

Mala prayer beads

These beautiful strands of beads that we see around are called malas or mala prayer beads, they are traditionally used for counting during mantra meditations. Malas can support you on your spiritual path and can help you manifest your goals if you work with them with intention. These strands can be of different bead counts, but the most common one is the Buddhist mala, made of 108 beads. Malas are the representation of spiritual identity and our connection to the universe. Every mala is unique and should be treated as such. Although they are linked to traditional prayers, anyone can start using a mala without prior knowledge at any time to bring them closer to peace of mind. In Knotted Expressions, we can design a mala for your specific needs, or you can select one that resonates with you from our specially selected ones in this website.

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About our Angels

Angels of my life

The Archangels, are with and around us all the time. If we need to call them and ask for their help, they are always listening, we just need to let them know that we need their help. Some think that Angels are religious beings for us Angels are messengers, from that highest energy source, that are around us and connect with us when we want and allow for that connection. They are around, but they will only communicate if we allow them to do so.

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about our energy centers

Chakra connection

Everything around and within us is energy. We can commonly count seven centers of energy within the human body which are located between the base of your spine to the crown of your head. These centers are called Chakras. In Sanskrit, the word "Chakra" means wheel; you can imagine them as wheels of free-flowing energy. If one or more of those centers is blocked, the energy wont be able to flow freely; but when harmony exists between the physical body, mind, and spirit and chakras are open, that energy can freely flow. Each chakra is identified by a color and has its own vibrational frequency and governs specific functions in your body. Tapping into their power can promote health and happiness physically, mentally, and spiritually.

What we do

Our Brand

All started with friendship. Two women that immediately connected and started tying up experiences together. The love for travel, nature, stones and beauty eventually turned out into a small business and the creation of these malas. We try to express what the beads communicate to us while we make them; each mala is different not only because of the stones, and colors, but because of the energy they bring to us and the intention we put on them while making them. All our malas have a meaning and we want that the malas that you choose become an expression of who you are.



All of our malas are hand made with intention using gemstones and quality materials. We can design a mala for your specific needs. We connect with each mala, and want you to connect with the one you choose for yourself.


If you want something smaller that will provide protection and guidance, chose from our bracelets based on the stones that can suit your needs. If you want a customized bracelet, pick the stones from the list and we can design one for you.


Create your own design. Let us know your needs or your wants, or if you would like a specific color or meaning and we can suggest some stones. We do private workshops where you can make your ow design. You can find more information here in our website.



As beads are really versatile, we created Chakra and Angel mobiles that can provide protection and help you in your meditation practice. The single Angel key chains can also be a good companion of your journeys.

“Kindness in words creates confidence,
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness,
kindness in giving creates love
— Lao Tse